A Basic Guide on When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney


You’ve been hurt and it was a company’s or someone else’s fault. You’re wondering if you could be entitled to monetary compensation.

Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t always have your best interest at heart. Of course, they don’t want to part with their money.

A personal injury attorney can look out for your best interest. These attorneys specialize in personal injury cases and are used to dealing with insurance companies and the legal system.

They will help you get the most money for your claim settlement. If necessary, they will take your case to court.

In this article, we’ll see in what circumstances you should hire a personal injury attorney. Read on!

Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you’ve only suffered minimal personal injuries, hiring a personal injury lawyer might not be worth it.

You should hire a personal injury attorney in one of the following circumstances:

  • You or your passenger has been seriously injured;
  • The other driver doesn’t have insurance
  • The negligence of another caused a death;
  • The insurance company is being unfair;
  • You sustained an injury at work and the compensation isn’t appropriate;
  • You suffered a mistake from a physician;
  • You or a loved one has been abused by nursing home staff;
  • You fell on someone else’s property and require expensive medical care;

If you’re unsure whether you have a case or not, check out these tips from Sweetlaw.com.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?

Personal injury attorneys know all about what’s called tort law. Tort law deals with accidents, negligence, and carelessness. If someone intentionally attacks you, it’ll be a matter of criminal law, not tort law.

If you have a case, a personal injury attorney will advise you, investigate, and research case law. He or she will also file complaints, negotiate your settlement, and represent you in court if need be.

Personal injury attorneys are used to working with experts, obtaining medical records, reading police reports, and preparing their clients for depositions.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

Most of these attorneys work on contingency. In other words, they don’t get paid unless you win your case. You can then be sure that your attorney will do their utmost to get you the most money.

Personal injury attorneys often charge between 33% and 40% of your total compensation money.

However, they will usually get you a much higher settlement than you would have got by yourself.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

The best time to hire a lawyer is as soon as you’re hurt. First off, the investigation can start right away and get you a settlement quicker. Second, your lawyer will coach you on what to say to the insurance company.

If you wait too long to hire someone, it could hurt your chances of success due to what’s called a statute of limitation.

Personal injury cases can take a while before you see your money. These cases often take several months or more, and even longer if you decide to go to trial.

Know Your Rights

A personal injury attorney will help you stake your claim if you’ve been injured. Through their expertise, they will build your case to get the maximum amount in your settlement.

What’s more, they are often paid with the settlement money, so you won’t have to spend a dime while trying to recover damages.

Read more articles in our Injury Lawyer section to learn all there is to know about personal injuries and compensations.

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